Valentine G Zilinskas (aka Žilius) passed away peacefully on July 21st at 88 years old.
On August 10, 1935, Valentine was born to Antanas and Maria (Aižinas) in Kaunas, Lithuania. In September 1944, during WWII, Valentine, his sister Irene and parents immigrated to Germany. In 1949 at age 14, he and his family emigrated to the United States settling in the Marquette Park area. Valentine eventually moved his growing family to Hickory Hills, Illinois and lived in their home for 47 years.
As a teen, Valentine was an active member of the Lithuanian Sea Scouts, where he established his love for boating. Later in life, he bought a boat and spent many weekends on Lake Michigan with family and friends. He served in the United States Army, was a member of American Legion, and an active member of the Lithuanian Masons Club where he also served as president for one year. Valentine spent most of his career in personnel management and after retirement served the community as an auxiliary police officer for the Hickory Hills police department.
Valentine is survived by his wife, Dalia (aka Stella) of 65 years and his three loving children and spouses: Paul (Laura), Mark (Michele), and Karina (Ray). Valentine adored his grandchildren. Instead of grandpa, they called him “Captain” and they each were a special part of his crew. His first mate Taylor (Zachary) with great granddaughters Quinn and Wren; Jaclyn, Aaron (Megan) Sydney, Blake, Luke, Natalia and Lidia loved him and will miss him dearly.
Our family looks forward to a casual gathering with family and friends to share stories & memories of a great husband, father, grandfather and friend on Sunday, August 25th from 4:30-7pm Gatto's Restaurant & Bar 1938 E. Lincoln Highway New Lenox, IL. Appetizers & drinks will be served.
Valentinas Dženaras Žilinskas (Žilius) ramiai išplaukė anapus Liepos 21 d., 2024 metais būnant 88-erių metų.
Valentinas gimė Rugpjūčio 10 d., 1935 metais Kaune, Lietuvoje. Tėveliai a.a. Antanas ir a.a. Marija (Aižinas). Antrojo pasaulinio karo Rugsėjo 1944 metais Žilius, jo sesuo Irena su tėveliais emigravo į Vokietiją. 1949 metais jam būnant 14 metų su šeima emigravo į Ameriką ir įsikūrė Marquette Parko rajone. Valentinas su žmona ir vaikais vėliau įsikūrė Hickory Hills, IL ir ten išgyveno 47-erius metus.
Jaunystėje Valentinas aktyviai skautavo LSS jūrų skautų gretose. Dalyvaujant veikloje jis pamilo plaukti laivais. Vėliau gyvenime nusipirko laivą ir smagiai praleisdavo savaitgalius su šeima ir draugais plaukiant Lake Michigan. Valentinas tarnavo Amerikos armijoje, priklausė American Legion, ir aktyviai dalyvavo Lietuvių Masonams, kuriems pirmininkavo vienus metus. Jis buvo personalo vadybininkas per daugumą karjeros, o išėjęs į pensiją buvo Hickory Hills pagalbinis policininkas.
Valentino mirtimi liūdi žmona Dalia (Stella), kurie buvo vedę 65-erius metus ir jų trys vaikai su šeimomis: Paul (Laura), Mark (Michele) ir Karina (Ray). Valentinas negalėjo atsidžiaugti savo anukų. Jie jį vadino „Captain“ ir kiekvienas iš jų buvo nuoširdi dalis jo įgulos. Vyriausioji Taylor (Zachary) su proanūkėmis Quinn ir Wren; Jaclyn, Aaron (Megan), Sydney, Blake, Luke, Natalia ir Lidia nuoširdžiai jį mylėjo ir labai pasiilgs jo.
Vėliau bus nustatyta data prisiminti ir atšvęsti Valentino (Žiliaus) gyvenimą.
Sunday, August 25, 2024
4:30 - 7:00 pm (Central time)
Gatto's Italian Restaurant & Bar
Our family looks forward to a casual gathering with family and friends to share stories & memories of a great husband, father, grandfather and friend on Sunday, August 25th from 4:30-7pm
Gattos Restaurant & Bar
1938 E. Lincoln Highway
New Lenox, IL
Visits: 391
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